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8 Tips for Choosing a Commercial Solar Company

By February 6, 2023Blog, News
Looking down on a group of engineers designing a commercial solar installation with blueprints, computers and a sample solar panel.

Solar panels have become increasingly popular among startups, small companies, and corporations. Panels are a great way to get safe energy and save your spending in the long run. Companies that can afford solar panel installation have the opportunity to save money and reduce their carbon footprint. However, finding a reliable commercial solar company to install solar panels takes time and effort.

Several companies offer solar panel installation and products. But not all of them are suitable for your business. Some might offer you cheap options, but they can’t be trusted enough to invest your money in them, while some are super expensive. This makes it hard to choose a trustworthy option.

Therefore, we have discussed something you need to consider to make an informed decision. So, let’s read further to get an idea.

1. Look at their Online Reviews

You will learn a lot about a commercial solar company from its customers. Check customer reviews on Facebook and Google. You can also ask the company for a list of clients you can talk to. Don’t forget to take recommendations from friends and family to see if they know someone for the job. Visit the websites or social media pages to learn more about their chosen solar company.

Furthermore, you can expand your research for a promising solar provider by checking platforms like Glassdoor. They can give you insights about the company through employees. You will learn how a company function internally, which will help you set your expectations.

You can also check the company’s reputation by reviewing its past work or previous customers. Sites like Google, Yelp, Solar Reviews, BBB, and EnergySage provide a glimpse of the credibility and reputation of the solar installer. Reviews and ratings can give you a heads-up about the wrong installation methods and the installer’s bad behavior. If you see a pattern of client complaints, it is an obvious red flag that you should find someone else for the job.

2. Get More than One Quote

Solar engineer and businessman shaking hands in front of a commercial rooftop solar installation.

Installing a commercial solar panel is a significant investment. There is nothing wrong with keeping many options on the table. Just like your dream office makeover project, you should take multiple quotes. Not only to get a fair price but also to compare different brands and their credentials and proposals.

When you contact a company, they will give you a quote, including the commercial area’s repair and clean-up price. Suppose you get quotes from three different companies. Two companies advise fixing the roof before installing commercial solar panels to ensure maximum efficiency. However, one is ready to install the solar system without any additional expenses.

Don’t opt for the most affordable option. Instead, go for the one that the majority of the contractors suggest. If most of them favor fixing the area where you plan on installing the panels, get it done. They are experts and know better about the requirements of commercial solar panels and systems.

Getting multiple quotes also allows you to compare different equipment options and installation approaches. You will learn the most popular installation methods that are also safe. Hence, getting multiple quotes means you will gain a lot of knowledge regarding solar panel production, installation, and maintenance that will help you make informed decisions.

3. Find a Company with High-Quality Service

Quality solar panels have a long life expectancy of around 25 years. While you can enjoy the benefits of commercial solar for more than two decades, you need to ensure that the company will assist and support you for another 10 to 20 years.

Note that solar panels need regular maintenance and, often, repairs. This task requires expert help, and it’s better to be done by the same company that has installed it. This is because every solar organization has unique ways of setting up solar systems. So, if you hire someone else for the job, they will need time to understand how solar panels have been installed to maintain or repair them. This can also lead to problems like solar panel failure.

Before hiring a company, try to investigate how long they have been in the industry and their position in the market. Experienced companies working in the industry for several years often have good sales and higher demand that help them stay in the market for several more years.

Besides that, you can discuss your concerns with the company’s representatives and ask them how long they will be able to offer solar panel services.

4. Check if the Company is Insured and Licensed

Closeup view of two solar energy engineers testing performance of commercial solar panels on the roof of a building.

Solar installation companies need to have insurance policies and business licenses or at least need to have a C-10 license. Make sure they are licensed to handle your system’s electrical components and wiring. Additionally, installers need to hold OSHA certification and general liability insurance.

5. Look for Flexibility in Payment

Solar panel purchase is a significant investment requiring a lot of capital. You are going to incur substantial financial expenses. To give you the most flexibility, make sure your chosen solar company offers you a variety of payment choices. Before deciding on a course of action, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each choice.

6. Inquire About Maintenance and Solar Warranties

Two solar company workers on the roof of a commercial building working on solar panels.

If you want to avoid any problems in the future, you need to look for experts who offer warranty work. A workmanship warranty can help you cover the problems that can occur during the wrong installation. So, if a panel gets damaged or loose due to improper installation, the workmanship warranty will help you cover the repairs. This way, you don’t have to spend the money from your pocket.

Contractors usually provide a wide range of these warranties, anywhere between one to 25 years of coverage. Also, be cautious about companies offering extended warranties to encourage people to purchase solar panels. However, these companies usually only make promises to sell their products.

If a company provides extended warranties, you need to be confident that they have a verifiable history of working in the solar industry. You need to feel confident that this company will stay in business for at least 20 years from now to meet its warranties.

7. Assess the Product Quality

While the cost of solar panels has reduced in recent years, you can’t consider them as a commodity. The product quality still varies between manufacturers, and premium products usually work great than lower-cost solar panels.

Before choosing a solar panel company, commercial companies need to evaluate panel efficiency, panel technology, and materials and procedures the company uses. Make sure to analyze the products by comparing them with suitable options.

For instance, if you evaluate the output of one model relative to another, determine the panel size. If one panel has more output but is bigger in size, it will be equally efficient to the other model.

8. Balance Price with a Company’s Longevity and Reputation

Solar company engineer writing on his tablet while standing in front of a row of solar panels.

The solar panel industry is a competitive market. Startups enter the industry daily, successfully selling solar panels alongside popular manufacturers. When considering solar companies, you must look for balancing factors such as cost with the company’s experience in manufacturing solar panels, their business longevity, and reputation.

Search for a commercial solar company with a solid reputation among companies and installers, a good track record of producing solar panels, extended company life, and affordable solar panel and installation price.

This is because if you opt for expensive solar panels and avoid reputation, you might not get a good experience. Additionally, the project can go out of your budget if you only look at the manufacturer’s credibility and avoid the cost.

Get Commercial Solar Panels for Your Business with Coldwell Solar

Most companies are shifting towards solar energy to reduce the overall energy cost they use to expand their business. While opting for solar panel systems has several benefits, installing them is not easy. At the same time, it requires significant investment, so you must practice extra caution when choosing a contractor to install a commercial solar system.

You need the help of a commercial solar company that knows every aspect of solar panel manufacturing and installation. A reliable expert in the industry can minimize the risk of getting into problems in the future and reduce maintenance and repair costs by practicing the proper installation process.

In this case, look no further than Coldwell Solar. We have been in the industry for years, which has helped us understand the preferences and needs of our clients and respond to them better.

With years of experience, we have learned the best installation practices that ensure your solar panel system goes a long way. Not to mention, we will always be there to help you with any solar problem that occurs in the future. So, if you need to install solar panels system, have any queries, or want any advice, contact us today.


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